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Youth Club

‘Castle On A Cloud’ aka C.O.A.C

C.O.A.C is our flagship youth club for children who:

  • are 5 to 10 years old
  • live in Haringey
  • have parents who live apart

We meet on Tuesdays at Bernie Grant Arts Centre from 4:30-5:30pm.

We chat and connect while cooking, crafting and other activities. There’s snacks, fun and lots of choice!

Thanks to our generous funders, Haringey Giving and Tottenham Grammar School Foundation, it is *free* to attend.

COAC image

“My seven-year-old son has been attending C.O.A.C since May 2023. He has had no relationship with his Father (Father’s choice) since he was one years old. He has really struggled with processing his feelings surrounding this. He was also diagnosed with ADHD & ASD this year on top of being Epileptic, so it has been tough.

I had been looking for a suitable club for him to attend that he would enjoy but also receive care and understanding. Eily has provided exactly that. The subtle approach used during the sessions is perfect for my son. He requires a lot of adult interaction and can struggle with big groups so the fact that the group is intimate is a bonus for him. The variety of activities is exciting and fun. It has pushed him out of his comfort zone and given him the confidence to try new things.”

Co-Op Members can raise money for our C.O.A.C. Youth Club by choosing us as your local cause.

Select us (and join as a Member for £1) here or use the QR code to the right

Upcoming dates

21st January
28th January
4th February
11th February (No session 18th February due to half term)
25th February
4th March

“C.O.A.C. has been an amazing a very welcome group for both me and my daughter. I am a lone parent and it’s great that my daughter is part of a group with other children in a similar situation. Each week the children do a different and brilliant activity. My daughter is so excited for each session and she has flourished at this group. The ongoing support she receives, and the positive impact it has had on her, is immeasurable. 

Eily is fantastic and absolutely amazing at what she does. Eily totally understands the needs of each child and encourages every one of them. No doubt the community has benefited greatly from Eily and C.O.A.C.”